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Potential Preventive and Treatment Effects of Arak (
) Against Gentamicin-induced Kidney Disorders in Male Albino Rats
Yousif A. Elhassaneen, Fatma Al-Zahraa A. Al-Sherif, Sherif S. Ragab, Mai M. Khafagi, Basma M. Hashem
American Journal of Medical Sciences and Medicine
, 12(2), 27-40 doi:10.12691/ajmsm-12-2-2
Table 1. Effect of Salvadora persica powder and its ethanol extract on BWG, FI and FER in rats with gentamicin-induced kidney disorders
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Table 2. Effect of Salvadora persica powder and its ethanol extract on serum lipid profile in rats with gentamicin-induced kidney disorders
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Table 3. Effect of Salvadora persica powder and its ethanol extract on liver functions in rats with gentamicin-induced kidney disorders
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Table 4. Effect of Salvadora persica powder and its ethanol extract on kidney functions in rats with gentamicin-induced kidney disorders
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Table 5. Effect of Salvadora persica powder and its ethanol extract on the levels of Na, K and Ca in blood serum and urine in rats with gentamicin-induced kidney disorders
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