Figures index


Use of Vegetable Fibers as Reinforcement in the Structure of Compressed Ground Bricks: Influence of Sawdust on the Rheological Properties of Compressed Clay Brick

S. Ouattara, M. O. Boffoue, A. A. Assande, K. C. Kouadio, C. H. Kouakou, E. Emeruwa, Pasres

American Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 2016, 4(1), 13-19 doi:10.12691/ajmse-4-1-3
  • Figure 1. Different rheologic behaviour of the bodies
  • Figure 2. Photographs showing: (a) sheets of framire, (b) a wood trunk of framire and (c) sawdust of framire
  • Figure 3. Plan of the procedure of bricks elaboration (Modified according to Kouadio, 2010) [2])
  • Figure 4. Plan of the assembly of the 3 points flexion
  • Figure 5. Variation of the density of the composites clay-sawdust of wood
  • Figure 6. Flexural strength of the composites clay-sawdust of wood
  • Figure 7. Diagram showing the various forces being exerted in brick during the flexural test
  • Figure 8. Variation of the compressive strength of wood clay-sawdust bricks
  • Figure 9. Microphotographies showing the distribution of the sawdust in the clay matrix with: a, dense structure (sawdust content between 5 and 15%); b, porous structure (sawdust content higher than 15%)
  • Figure 10. Variation of the stress-strain curves of the composites clay-sawdust of wood