Figures index


Effect of Combination between Methotrexate and Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors on Transplantable Tumor Model

Ahmed M Kabel

American Journal of Medicine Studies. 2014, 2(1), 12-18 doi:10.12691/ajms-2-1-2
  • Figure 1. Effect of administration of MTX, VPA and their combination on tumor volume, tissue catalase, tissue MDA, tissue glutathione reductase, tissue cholesterol and tissue TNF-α in SEC treated mice
  • Figure 2. a: A photomicrograph of Ehrlich solid tumor showing sheets of small, higher chromatophilic tumor cells of variable shape representing cell proliferation surrounding areas of necrosis (H&E X 250). b: A photomicrograph of SEC sections from mice that received MTX showing sheets of malignant cells with focal necrosis and apoptosis (H&E X 250). c: A photomicrograph of SEC sections from mice that received VPA showing necrosis and apoptosis (H&E X 250). d: A photomicrograph of SEC sections from mice received MTX/VPA combination showing extensive necrosis and multiple apoptotic bodies (H&E X 250)
  • Figure 3. a: A photomicrograph of p53 staining of SEC sections from mice showing negative staining for p53 (PAP X 250). b: A photomicrograph of p53 staining of SEC sections from mice that received MTX showing positive (+++) p53 expression (PAP X 250). c: A photomicrograph of p53 staining of SEC sections from mice that received VPA showing positive (++) p53 expression (PAP X 250). d: A photomicrograph of p53 staining of SEC sections from mice that received MTX/VPA combination showing positive (++++) p53 expression (PAP X 250)