Figures index


A Single Center Experience: Short Term CD4 Count Monitoring and Rate of Opportunistic Infections in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infected Patients

Hythum Salah H. Mohamed, Adel Alothman, Henry Baffoe-Bonnie, Hisham Alageeb

American Journal of Microbiological Research. 2016, 4(1), 41-46 doi:10.12691/ajmr-4-1-5
  • Figure 1. Baseline CD4 count distribution among all HIV infected patients and gender involvement
  • Figure 2. shows CD4 dynamics over the time period of one year for patients receiving ART
  • Figure 3. Distribution of Opportunistic Infections among all HIV seropositive patients
  • Figure 4. shows mean CD count changes over 12 months for patients with adherence to ART