Figures index


Numerical Analysis of Shallow Foundations in a Soil Mass under Various Behavior Laws

Oustasse Abdoulaye SALL, Déthié SARR, Makhaly BA, Ndiaga CISSE, Aboubacry LY

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2019, 7(3), 129-137 doi:10.12691/ajme-7-3-3
  • Figure 1. Linear elastic behavior law [1]
  • Figure 2. Behavior elastic law, perfectly plastic of Mohr-Coulomb [1]
  • Figure 3. Rectangular foundation resting on clay
  • Figure 4. Mapping of displacements according to the variation of the modulus of elasticity
  • Figure 5. Deformations versus load for different values of the soil Young's modulus
  • Figure 6. Evolution of the degree of consolidation U (%) according to the duration of the loading application
  • Figure 7. Mapping of displacements for various values of the Poisson’s ratio
  • Figure 8. Deformation variation versus stresses for different values of the Poisson’s ratio
  • Figure 9. Foundation resting on clay
  • Figure 10. Cartographie des déplacements suivant la variation des critères de rupture
  • Figure 11. Stress-strain curves
  • Figure 12. Schéma de la modélisation
  • Figure 13. Mapping of initial and final displacements for a given angle of friction ϕ
  • Figure 14. Laoding versus deformations
  • Figure 15. Mapping of displacements for different values of cohesion C
  • Figure 16. Laod multiplier- deformations for various values of the cohesion of the second layer of soil