Figures index


Determination of the Fatigue Life of the Vehicle Construction Based on Strength Calculations

Michal Kicko, Peter Frankovský, Róbert Huňady, Adam Kaľavský, Ján Kostka

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2017, 5(6), 274-279 doi:10.12691/ajme-5-6-8
  • Figure 1. SN - curve construction for ussual low carbon steel
  • Figure 2. Cyclic load classification
  • Figure 3. The main dimensions of the vehicle
  • Figure 4. Design of the breakdown truck body construction with detailed views of the critical nodes
  • Figure 5. Real breakdown truck body construction fixed on required vehicle for this particular case
  • Figure 6. "Finer" mesh in areas of expected increased stresses
  • Figure 7. Boundary condition of the front part of the body construction
  • Figure 8. Boundary condition of the rear section of the body construction
  • Figure 9. Conections definition and boundary conditions for the rear part of the main beams of vehicle
  • Figure 10. The location, direction and magnitude of the cyclic force shown in the numerical model and in the real construction determined by standard EEC 55
  • Figure 11. Reduced stress fields during simulation of a static load test
  • Figure 12. The field of the reduced stresses of the desired, critical part of the construction
  • Figure 13. Fields of reduced stresses in critical areas by numerical calculation (area of attachment)
  • Figure 14. Fields of reduced stresses in critical areas by numerical calculation (area of applied load)
  • Figure 15. Z-shaped optimization element in the joint of critical region
  • Figure 16. The result shape of the optimized construction design