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Numerical Investigation of the Transient Radiative Heat Transfer inside a Hexagonal Furnace Filled with Particulate Medium

Elham Khademi Moghadam, Rasool Nasr Isfahani, Arash Azimi

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2016, 4(2), 42-49 doi:10.12691/ajme-4-2-1
  • Figure 1. Scattering phase function for (a) different materials of Table 1 at xp=1 and (b) for Ash at different particle size parameters
  • Figure 2. The validation check for FT6 FVM with non-orthogonal grid (a) the geometry and grid and (b) the dimensionless heat flux on the bottom wall
  • Figure 3. The temporal dimensionless heat flux on the bottom wall for (a) F1 (the forward scattering medium) and (b) B2 (the backward scattering medium)
  • Figure 4. The scattering phase function for (a) different materials of at xp=2 and (b) for carbon particles at different size parameters
  • Figure 5. The temporal dimensionless heat flux on the bottom surface for different particulate media
  • Figure 6. The temporal dimensionless heat flux on the bottom wall for media of (a) carbon particles and (b) lignite particles