Figures index


Transitional Cell Papilloma of Nasal Cavity with Malignant Transformation

Vijaya KJ, Kaur P, Khurana A, Chauhan A, Singh G, Parmar P

American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2015, 3(8), 231-234 doi:10.12691/ajmcr-3-8-3
  • Figure 1. a-b (10X-40X) H&E: Photomicrograph showing transitional cell papilloma with mitotic activity (arrow mark)
  • Figure 2. a-b (10X-40X) H&E: Photomicrograph showing transitional cell carcinoma with blood vessel invasion (arrow mark)
  • Figure 3. Photomicrograph showing tumor cells (TCC) showing EMA (EPITHELIAL MEMBRANE ANTIGEN) positivity (100X)
  • Figure 4. a-b (10X-40X) H&E: Photomicrograph showing transitional cell papilloma with no mitotic activity with nasal cavity epithelium and hemorrhage (arrow marks)
  • Figure 5a-b. NCCT and CECT PNS: Heterogenously enhancing lesion seen involving left ethmoid sinus with extension into the left nasal cavity with perforation of midline area, THERE WAS NO INVOLVEMENT OF ORBIT (arrow marks)
  • Figure 6 a-b. CECT PNS: No soft tissue mass seen in the nasal cavity, non enhancing mass lesion in the left maxillary sinus (arrow mark)