Figures index


Laryngeal Leishmaniasis- A Rare Clinical Entity

Chettri ST, Karki Smriti, Paudel D, Shah BP, Shah SP, Manandhar S, Jayaswal R

American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2014, 2(9), 181-183 doi:10.12691/ajmcr-2-9-5
  • Figure 1. Edematous Epiglottis on flexible naso-endoscopy
  • Figure 2. swollen right arytenoid and right aryepiglottic fold on flexible naso-endoscopy.
  • Figure 3. Histopathology showing LD bodies in 400 X
  • Figure 4. Histopathology showing LD bodies in oil immersion microscopy
  • Figure 5. Post treatment picture of flexible endoscopy showing normal larynx