Figures index


Case Report of a Peculiar Presentation of Hereditary Complement-Mediated Thrombotic Microangiopathy

Sabina Kumar, Chukwuemeka Umeh, Prithi Choday, John Carvalho, Sobiga Ranchithan, Sumanta Chaudhuri, Pranav Barve

American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2022, 10(5), 117-121 doi:10.12691/ajmcr-10-5-1
  • Figure 1. Renal biopsy: Fibrin in Afferent Arteriole
  • Figure 2. Early Crescent Formation
  • Figure 3. Renal Biopsy: Electron Microscopy with Ischemic Necrosis of Glomeruli
  • Figure 4. C.T. Abdomen/Pelvis with IV contrast showing colonic wall thickening indicative of colitis