Figure 1. Lower extremities showing (A) Right foot with black discoloration, open wound, low pulsation, positive localized tenderness on clinical examination, Wagner’s classification 1 (localized superficial ulcer not extending to bone or ligaments). Schematic distribution of the arterial supply of the foot is also illustrated. Anterior tibial artery supplying whole dorsum of the foot. Plantar aspect of the foot supplied by the medial and lateral plantar artery and the calcaneal artery (B) Left foot is shown for comparison


Acute Limb Ischemia – Trials of Limb Salvage: A Case Report

Milenis Lopez Leon, Sahar S. Abdelmoneim, Madeleidis Lopez Leon, Hudson Portugal Franca, Sandy Espinosa Hernandez, Dariex Rodriguez, Odalys Frontela

American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2022, 10(10), 261-267 doi:10.12691/ajmcr-10-10-3