table 16. The inhibition zone diameter methodological analysis of the effect of surface and floor mopping cleaners/detergents (Class C) on the growth of gram-positive bacteria


The Immunomodulatory, Antimicrobial and Bactericidal Efficacy of Commonly Used Commercial Household Disinfectants, Sterilizers and Antiseptics in Vitro: Putative Anti-Inflammatory Infection Control Mechanisms and Comparative Biochemical Analysis of the Microbial Growth of Gram-Positive Bacteria

Niveen M. Masri, Lama B. Hanbali, Ahmad H. Kamar, Lana M.S. Kanafani, Mohamed B. Hanbali, John J. Haddad

American Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2013, 1(4), 103-133 doi:10.12691/ajmbr-1-4-4