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Comparison Study of GENEXPERT versus TB MGIT Culture in Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Abhay Uppe, Sayli Sawant, Deepak Gupta, Girija Nair

American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2020, 8(1), 1-13 doi:10.12691/ajidm-8-1-1
  • Bar Diagram 1. Specimen profile
  • Pie Diagram 1. Specimen profile
  • Bar Diagram 2. Comparison of Genexpert versus MGIT
  • Pie Diagram 2. Comparison of Genexpert versus MGIT
  • Diagram 3a. Comparison of TBMGIT DST Resistance versus Genexpert resistance: Sensitivity
  • Diagram 3b. Comparison of TBMGIT DST Resistance versus Genexpert resistance: Specificity
  • Bar Diagram 4a. Sensitivity of Genexpert versus MGIT
  • Bar Diagram 4b. Specificity of Genexpert versus MGIT
  • Figure 1. GeneXpert user view of the amplified probes A-E and the sample processing control