Figure 3. Organ mRNA transcription of IL-8 and TNF-α. A: The chart represents mRNA transcription levels of IL-8 in muscle, fins, spleen, and head-kidney of control versus infected fish. B: The chart represents mRNA transcription levels of TNF-α in muscle, fins, spleen, and head-kidney of control versus infected groups. The results of each organ were analysed separately using student’s T-test. *= P < 0.05.


Implementation of Tissue Histopathology and Parasitic Morphometric Analysis in the Diagnosis of Myxobolus Fomenai Infection in the Skeletal Muscles Nile Tilapia

Hebatallah Ahmed Mahgoub, Ahmed Elnaggar, Jean-Rémy Sadeyen

American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. 2017, 5(4), 137-142 doi:10.12691/ajidm-5-4-3