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Development of Spray-Dried Guyabano (
Annona muricata Linn.
) Extract in Three Process Schedules
Mario A. De Castro Jr., Ronie F. Magsino, Polemer M. Cuarto
American Journal of Food Science and Technology
, 6(2), 87-91 doi:10.12691/ajfst-6-2-5
Table 1. Three process schedules applied in the decocted guyabano leaves extract
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Table 2. Organoleptic Score Card for the characteristics of spray dried guyabano leaves extract
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Table 3. Respondents evaluation in the quality attributes of spray dried guyabano leaves extract in three process schedule compared to a freshly concocted guyabano leaves extract
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Table 4. ANOVA table on the taste of Spray dried guyabano leaves extract in three process schedule (P1, P2, P3)
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Table 5. ANOVA table on the color of Spray dried guyabano leaves extract in three process schedule (P1,P2,P3)
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Table 6. pH level of the Guyabano Leaves extract in three process schedule compared to a freshly concocted guyabano leaves extract
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Table 7. Recovery percentage of Spray Dried Guyabano leaves Extract in Three Process Schedule
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Table 8. Dissolution rates of the guyabano leaves extract in three process schedule
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