Figure 1. Histogram of purchase intent test of the “bread” category; 1-Sliced bread; 2=Milk bread; 3=Whole wheat bread; 4=Corn bread; 5=Panettone; 6=Sweet bread; 7=Kuchen bread; 8=Pizza bread; 9=Colonial bread; 10=Italian bread; 11=Star bread; 12=Herb bread; 13=French bread; 14=Hamburguer bun; 15=Hot dog bread; 16=Coconut bread; 17=Pita bread; 18=Brioche bread


Sensory Evaluation of Bakery and Confectionery Products Prepared through Semi-Industrial and Artisanal Processes

Paula Becker Pertuzatti, Simone Messias Rodrigues Esteves, Jakline Estfane Alves, Luciana Costa Lima, Jonatas Emmanuel Borges

American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015, 3(4A), 32-36 doi:10.12691/ajfst-3-4A-6