Tables index


Assessment of Biochemical Composition of Boiled Pulps and Fruits Physical Characteristics of Nine Local Plantain Cultivars (Musa spp.)

Wohi Maniga, Gnanwa Mankambou Jacques, Tchumou Messou, Coulibaly Souleymane, Tano Kablan

American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2022, 10(5), 214-223 doi:10.12691/ajfst-10-5-2
  • Table 1. Physical characteristics of plantain bunches
  • Table 2. Length, circumference, volume and dentsity of the fingers
  • Table 3. Pulp/skin ratio, thickness of skin, finger mass, pulp mass and skin mass
  • Table 4. Fruit yield in pulp and skin
  • Table 5. Fruit yield in pulp and skin