Figure 1. Effect of Partial hydrolysis on the starch and sugar content of tigernut beverage (Bars and error bar represent the mean and standard deviation of duplicate samples for starch. Markers and error bars represent the mean and standard deviation of duplicate sample for sugar. Means with different letters differ significantly (P<0.05). TNB: Tigernut beverage; HTN: Hydrolysed tigernut beverage at different temperatures (°C))


Quality Characteristics of Probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus) Beverage from Hydrolyzed Tigernut Milk Supplemented with Beetroot Juice

Jessica I. Igwebuike, Lucretia I. Barber, Patience C. Obinna-Echem

American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2022, 10(3), 95-102 doi:10.12691/ajfst-10-3-1