Figures index


Review of Quality Protein Maize as Food and Feed: In Alleviating Protein Deficiency in Developing Countries

Tekeba Eshetie

American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2017, 5(3), 99-105 doi:10.12691/ajfn-5-3-4
  • Figure 1. The contribution to Lysine and Tryptophan when QPM replaced Normal Maize in adult feeding for some East African countries (Source: Calculated by the author from [15])
  • Figure 2. Lysine and Tryptophan contribution from QPM and Normal Maize using FAO guideline requirements for 2-5 years children (Source: calculated by the author from [22])
  • Figure 3. Mean initial and final body measurements of children fed with QPM based and other diets (Source: [42])