Figure 1. Lipid oxidation (TBARS, mg MDA/kg meat) in fresh and aged Tricep brachii muscle of steers from pasture, pasture + concentrate and concentrate based feeding systems. Data are mean ±SEM (n=10). Different lowercase letters means significant differences among feeding systems in fresh meat (P<0.05). Main effects: Feeding systems No significant. Ageing No significant


Catalase, SOD and GPx Activities in Triceps brachii Muscle from Aberdeen Angus Steers Finished on Pasture, Pasture and Concentrate, or Concentrate

A. Terevinto, M.C. Cabrera, A. Saadoun

American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2015, 3(5), 118-124 doi:10.12691/ajfn-3-5-2