Tables index


Functional and Pasting Properties, Mineral and Antinutrient Contents of Telfairia Occidentalis(Cucurbitaceae) Seed Flours Commonly Used in Cameroon

Choupo Armand Cyrille, Achu Mercy Bih Loh, Yembeau Lena Natacha, Tambo Tene Stephano, Pieme Constant Anatole

American Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2024, 12(2), 59-67 doi:10.12691/ajfn-12-2-2
  • Table 1. Functional properties of defatted seed flours of Telfairia occidentalis
  • Table 2. Pasting properties of T. occidentalis defatted seed flour
  • Table 3. Mineral composition of whole seeds of T. occidentalis
  • Table 4. Antinutrient contents in Telfairia occidentalis seed flour