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Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu-ZnO Prism Shaped Nanocrystals by Microwave Combustion Method

Vidyasagar C. C, Gururaj Hosamani, Prakash Kariyajjanavar

American Journal of Energy Research. 2019, 7(1), 31-40 doi:10.12691/ajer-7-1-4
  • Figure 1. Shows the fabrication of dye sensitized sample by doctor-blade method
  • Figure 2. (A) Powder XRD pattern of ZnO and Cu-ZnO prepared at different wt% of copper, (B) Inset view of powder X-ray diffraction Figure 1 pattern of (1 0 0) and (0 0 2) planes
  • Figure 3. (A)Powder X-ray diffraction pattern of ZnO and Cu-ZnO prepared at different annealing temperature, (B) Inset view of powder X-ray diffraction Figure 3 pattern of (1 0 0) and (0 0 2) planes
  • Figure 4. Lattice strain and crystallite size of ZnO and Cu1-x Znx O at different concentration
  • Figure 5. FESEM images of as prepared ZnO and Cu1-x Znx O at different concentration
  • Figure 6. FESEM images of hexagonal pyramid samples prepared ZnO and Cu1-x Znx O at different concentration at lower resolution (20 μm) of Figure 7
  • Figure 7. FESEM images of hexagonal pyramid samples prepared ZnO and Cu1-x Znx O at different annealing temperature
  • Figure 8. EDAX spectra of hexagonal pyramid samples prepared ZnO and Cu1-x Znx O at different concentration
  • Figure 9. UV-Vis absorption spectra of hexagonal pyramid samples prepared ZnO and Cu1-x ZnxO at different concentration
  • Figure 10. UV-Vis absorption spectra of hexagonal pyramid samples prepare ZnO and Cu1-x ZnxO at different annealing temperature
  • Figure 11. Band gap of as-prepared ZnO and Cu1-xZnxO nanocrystals at different concentration
  • Figure 12. UV-Vis absorption spectra of Copper Phthalocyanine pigment adsorbed on ZnO and Cu1-xZnxO at different concentration. The films were soaked in a dye solution of 0.05 mM dye
  • Figure 13. UV-Vis absorption spectra of Copper Phthalocyanine pigment adsorbed on ZnO and Cu1-xZnxO at different annealing temperature. The films were soaked in a dye solution of 0.05 mM dye
  • Figure 14. Curent-Voltage curves of ZnO and Cu1-xZnxO at different concentration (A) dark, (B) UV illumination. Curent-Voltage curves of ZnO and Cu1-xZnxO at different annealing temperature (C) dark, (D) UV illumination