Tables index


Analysis of Partial Shading Effects of Solar PV Module Configurations Using MATLAB/Simulink

Hoe-Gil Lee, Jash N Shah, Panshul Tyagi, Vigneshwar M

American Journal of Energy Research. 2018, 6(1), 8-18 doi:10.12691/ajer-6-1-2
  • Table 1. Electrical characteristics of MSX-60
  • Table 2. Light shading condition with 7% irradiance reduction
  • Table 3. Moderate shading condition with 17% irradiance reduction
  • Table 4. Heavy Shading condition with 25% irradiance reduction
  • Table 5. Effect of Snow on PV modules
  • Table 6. Heavy cloud condition with 50 % irradiance reduction
  • Table 7. Heavy rains condition with 90% irradiance reduction
  • Table 8. Effect of tree-blockage condition with 50 % irradiance reduction
  • Table 9. Performance evaluation when cells are connected in series and parallel in terms of maximum power, voltage, and current.
  • Table 10. Scenario 1: Comparison of the various configurations under shading due to buildings
  • Table 11. Scenario 2: Comparison of the various configurations under shading due to snow
  • Table 12. Scenario 3: Comparison of the various configurations under shading due to cloud
  • Table 13. Comparison of the various configurations under shading due to trees