Figures index


Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Brushless Motor Test Bench Equipped with a X5C-02 Propeller

Saoussane Gouiaa, Ameni Mehdi, Zied Driss, Bilel Ben Amira, Mohamed Salah Abid

American Journal of Energy Research. 2017, 5(2), 35-40 doi:10.12691/ajer-5-2-2
  • Figure 1. 3D presentation of the geometrical model
  • Figure 2. Dimensions of the propeller
  • Figure 3. Distribution of the average velocity
  • Figure 4. Distribution of the static pressure
  • Figure 5. Distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy
  • Figure 6. Distribution of the dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic energy
  • Figure 7. Distribution of the turbulent viscosity
  • Figure 8. Schematization of the theoretical principle of the test bench
  • Figure 9. Thrust laboratory test and principle operation of the tachometer
  • Figure 10. Variation of the thrust F(N) in function of the rotating speed Ω (rpm)
  • Figure 11. Variation of the force in function of the rotational speed