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Burkitt's Lymphoma of Right Maxillary Sinus: Case Report

Mehrdad Payandeh, Edris Sadeghi, Masoud Sadeghi, Seyed-Hamid Madani

American Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2015, 3(5), 86-88 doi:10.12691/ajcp-3-5-2
  • Figure 1. A localized heterogenous mass in the right maxillary sinus (in the diagnosis)
  • Figure 2. The neoplastic cells are medium-sized and show “squaring off” of the nuclear membrane accompanied by typical coarse chromatin, multiple distinct nuclei and frequent mitoses. Also there is starry sky appearance.
  • Figure 3. A heterogenous thickening seen in the right maxillary sinus (three months after treatment)
  • Figure 4. A mild thickness in the right maxillary sinus (six months after treatment)
  • Figure 5. A mild thickness in maxillary sinus