Figures index


Shapes, Patterns and Meanings in Indian Temple Architecture

Tanisha Dutta, V. S. Adane

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2018, 6(5), 206-215 doi:10.12691/ajcea-6-5-6
  • Figure 1. Rationale behind the methodology graphically
  • Figure 2. Methodology
  • Figure 3. Mini-methodology for form analysis
  • Figure 4. Screenshot of MATLAB window showing commands for finding the fractal dimension
  • Figure 5. Laxman and Kandariya Mahadev Temple
  • Figure 6. Fractal dimension of plan of Laxman Temple as generated from MATLAB.
  • Figure 7. Fractal dimension of edge line diagram of shikhara of Laxman Temple as generated from MATLAB
  • Figure 8. Fractal dimension of side elevation of Kandariya Mahadev Temple as generated from MATLAB
  • Figure 9. Fractal dimension of front elevation of Kandariya Mahadev Temple as generated from MATLAB
  • Figure 10. Scales distinguished on the side elevation of the Kandariya Mahadev temple
  • Figure 11. An example of small scale elements being paired and balanced