Figures index


Geotechnical Characterization of Local Materials Used in Road Construction in the Brazzaville Aera, Congo

David Bilembi, Hilaire Elenga, Timothée Nsongo, Bernard Mabiala, Adolphe Kimpena, Balla Diop Ngom, Aboubaker Chedikh Beye

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2017, 5(1), 29-34 doi:10.12691/ajcea-5-1-5
  • Figure 1. Proctor Curves of different Brazzaville sands
  • Figure 2. Proctor Curves of The Brazzaville Inkisi sandstone
  • Figure 3. Micro Deval and Los Angeles Coefficients
  • Figure 4. CBR Index curves of different Brazzaville sands
  • Figure 5. CBR Curves index of Brazzaville Inkisi sandstone