Figures index


The Early Hydration Characteristics of Portland Cements with Superplasticizer Using Electrical Measurements

WANG Shengnian, WEI Xiaosheng, FAN Zhihong

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2016, 4(5), 153-158 doi:10.12691/ajcea-4-5-1
  • Figure 1. Picture of the main part of a non-electrode resistivity measurement
  • Figure 2. The electrical resistivity curves and derivative curves
  • Figure 3. The correlation between the critical point, the setting time and the peak time of the heat rate
  • Figure 4. Heat evolution of P0.3SP0, P0.3SP5, P0.3SP8 during 48 hours
  • Figure 5. Rate of heat evolution of P0.3SP0, P0.3SP5, P0.3SP8 during 48 hours
  • Figure 6. The times to reach the critical points, setting time vs. the content of superplasticizer