Figures index


Use of Ceramic Waste as Filler in Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete

Electricwala Fatima, Sadanand Sahu, Ankit Jhamb, Rakesh Kumar

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2014, 2(3), 102-106 doi:10.12691/ajcea-2-3-2
  • Figure 1. Sample used in test
  • Figure 2. Marshall Test and Stability and Flow Digital Indicator
  • Figure 3. Marshall Stability of Ceramic Waste and Lime
  • Figure 4. Marshall Flow of Lime and Ceramic Waste
  • Figure 5. Effect of Ceramic Waste and Lime on the voids of asphalt mix
  • Figure 6. Effect of Ceramic Waste and Lime on compacted density of mix