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Improved Model of Refracted Horizontal Angle: Dependency on Zenith Angle

Mansoor Sabzali, Lloyd Pilgrim

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2023, 11(2), 38-44 doi:10.12691/ajcea-11-2-2
  • Figure 1. Horizontal and vertical refraction, L and P0 are corrected distance and position of point, but due to refraction P1 as the result of refracted range will be measured [5]
  • Figure 2. Effects of horizontal refraction in the plane X and Y, rii and rik are assumed to be the refracted horizontal angle [1]
  • Figure 3. Refracted horizontal angle dhr and horizontal shift. Above: positive and below: negative refracted angle. The photos were modified by (
  • Figure 4. Lateral refraction b refracted Ω and non-refracted z zenith angle [10]
  • Figure 5. Refracted horizontal angle (arcsecond/m) w.r.t zenith angle (°). (i.e., zenith angle smaller and larger than 90° corresponds to above and below horizon, respectively)
  • Figure 6. Refracted horizontal angle (arcsec/m) w.r.t pressure (hPa)
  • Figure 7. Refracted horizontal angle (arcsec/m) w.r.t temperature (°C)