Figure 14. RR-Interval Segmentation. (Each RR-interval in this example is divided into 24 separate frames/segments corresponding to different time points (phases) within the cardiac cycle. The location and thickness of the myocardium show that frame 1= early systolic phase, frame 12= end systolic phase and frame 24= end diastolic phase. Each image represented by a fully completed K space, is filled 1 phase encoding line per heartbeat. It takes in total 3 heartbeats to form image 24 with lines “24-1” (from 1st HB) “24-2” (from 2nd HB) and “24-3” (from 3rd HB) [9])


Shifting Paradigm from Conventional 2D to 3D-Delayed Gadolinium Enhancement Whole Heart MRI: Implications, Technical Aspects, Applications & Planning

Bourne S., Rivard A., Schieman K., Sherif A.

American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. 2022, 8(1), 1-28