Figures index


Effects of Chronic Alcohol Ingestion on Hematological Parameters in Albino Mice Experimentally Challenged with Escherichia coli Strain 0157:H7

Asuzu Onyeka V., Nwaehujor Chinaka O., Okeke Onyinye S., Ode Julius O., Chah Kennedy F.

American Journal of Biomedical Research. 2015, 3(2), 21-28 doi:10.12691/ajbr-3-2-2
  • Figure 1. Comparison of mean WBC count of the different groups
  • Figure 2. Comparison of mean RBC count of the different groups
  • Figure 3. Comparison of mean PCV of the different groups
  • Figure 4. Comparison of mean Hemoglobin concentration of the different groups
  • Figure 5. Comparison of mean Neutrophil counts of the different groups
  • Figure 6. Comparison of mean Lymphocyte counts of the different groups
  • Figure 7. Comparison of mean Monocytes counts of the different groups