Keywords: compact metric space, related fixed point
American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2014 2 (4),
pp 244-245.
DOI: 10.12691/ajams-2-4-13
Received July 25, 2014; Revised August 10, 2014; Accepted August 13, 2014
Copyright © 2013 Science and Education Publishing. All Rights Reserved.
1. Introduction
Related fixed point theorems on three metric spaces have been studied by several authors [1-8][1]. Fisher and Rao [8] proved a related fixed point theorem for three mappings on three metric spaces of which one is a compact metric space. The aim of this paper is to improve the result of Rao et. al. [6] and Fisher and Rao [8].
2. Main Results
We prove the following theorem.
2.1. Theorem. Let (X, d), (Y, ρ) and (Z, σ) be three metric spaces and T: X→Y, S:Y→Z and R:Z→X be mappings satisfying the inequalities
 | (1) |
 | (2) |
 | (3) |
for all x, x΄ in X , y, y΄ in Y and z, z΄ in Z. Further assume one of the following conditions:
(i) (X, d) is compact and RST is continuous.
(ii) (Y, ρ) is compact and TRS is continuous.
(iii) (Z, σ) is compact and STR is continuous.
Then RST has a unique fixed point w in X, TRS has a unique fixed point u in Y and STR has a unique fixed point v in Z. Further Su = v, Rv = w and Tw = u.
Proof: Suppose (i) holds. Define Φ(x) = d(x, RSTx) for x
X. Then there exists p in X such that
Suppose that RSTRSTRSTp ≠ RSTRSTp.
Using (1) with x=RSTp and x΄=RSTRSTp
so that
 | (4) |
Using (2) with y = Tp and y΄ = TRSTp
so that
 | (5) |
Using (3) with z = STp and z΄ = STRSTp
so that
 | (6) |
From (4), (5) and (6) it follows that Φ(RSTRSTp) < Φ(RSTp), contradicting the existence of p.
Putting RSTRSTp = w in X, we have
Now let Tw = u in Y and Su = v in Z. Then Rv = RSu = RSTw = w and it follows that
To prove uniqueness, suppose RST has a second distinct fixed point w΄ in X.
Using (1) with x = w and x΄ = w΄
so that
 | (7) |
Using (2) with y = Tw and y΄ = Tw΄
so that
 | (8) |
Using (3) with z = STw and z΄ = STw΄
so that
 | (9) |
From (7), (8) and (9), it follows that
so that w = w΄, proving the uniqueness of w.
Similarly we can show that v is the unique fixed point of STR and u is the unique fixed point of TRS.
It follows similarly that the theorem holds if (ii) or (iii) holds instead of (i).
Now we give the following example to illustrate our theorem.
Example. Let X = [0, 1], Y = (1, 2], Z = (2, 3] and let d = ρ = σ be the usual metric for the real numbers. Define T: X→Y, S: Y→Z and R: Z→X by
Here Y and Z are not compact spaces and T and R not continuous. However all the conditions of theorem 2.1 are satisfied. Clearly,
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| In article | |
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[8] | Rao, K.P.R. and Fisher, B. A related fixed point theorem on three metric spaces, Hacettepe J. Math. and Stat., Vol. 36(2), 143-146, 2007. |
| In article | |