Figures index


An Assessment of the Changing Climate in Northern Nigeria Using Cokriging

U. Usman, S. A. Yelwa, S.U. Gulumbe, A. Danbaba

American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 1(5), 90-98 doi:10.12691/ajams-1-5-3
  • Figure 1. The study area covering the selected climatic stations in Northern Nigeria
  • Figure 2. Computed Coefficient of Variation of the climatic variables (1981-2010)
  • Figure 3. Comparison of Coefficient of Variation of rainfall and altitude for the climatic stations (1981-2010)
  • Figure 4. Fitted direct and cross variograms for NDVI and Rainfall
  • Figure 5. NDVI Co-kriging Prediction
  • Figure 6. NDVI Co-kriging Variance
  • Figure 7. Rainfall Co-kriging Prediction
  • Figure 8. Rainfall Co-kriging prediction variance
  • Figure 9. NDVI and Rainfall Co-kriging predictions error