Figures index


Synthesis and Characterization of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles for Biological Studies

Murugan Perachiselvi, Muthiah Sakthi Bagavathy, J. Jenson Samraj, E. Pushpalaksmi, G. Annadurai

Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2020, 8(5), 273-277 doi:10.12691/aees-8-5-13
  • Figure 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
  • Figure 2. FTIR analysis of Mn3O4 NPs
  • Figure 3. (a) SEM morphology of Mn3O4 NPs, (b) DLS analysis of Mn3O4 NPs, and (c) EDAX analysis
  • Figure 4. (a) FL spectra of Mn3O4 NPs, and (b) UV-Vis Spectra of Mn3O4 NPs
  • Figure 5. Cell viability of Mn3O4 NPs
  • Figure 6. (a) Zone of inhibition of Enterobacter (a), E. coli (b), and Bacillus subtilis (c)