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Age Effects of Millet Crops on Phytolith Carbon Sequestration
R. Vidhya, L. Arul Pragasan
Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences
, 10(12), 747-753 doi:10.12691/aees-10-12-7
Figure 1
Map showing the location of sampling sites in Tamil Nadu, India
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Figure 2.
Total organic carbon of soil at different growth stages of crops grown. 1 = 30th day, 2= 60th day and 3 = 90th day. Based on the least significant difference (LSD) test, various lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the P = 0.05 level; error bars represent standard error (n = 3)
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Figure 3.
Plant biomass at different growth stages. 1 = 30th day, 2= 60th day and 3 = 90th day. Based on the least significant difference (LSD) test, various lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the P = 0.05 level; error bars represent standard error (n = 3)
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Figure 4.
Comparison of Phytolith in AGB and BGB at different growing stages of millet varieties. 1 = 30th day, 2= 60th day and 3 = 90th day. A= AGB, B=BGB. Based on the least significant difference (LSD) test, various lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the P = 0.05 level; error bars represent standard error (n = 3)
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Comparison of PhytOC in AGB and BGB at different growing stages of millet varieties.
(A) PhytOC in AGB and (B) PhytOC in BGB.1 = 30th day, 2= 60th day and 3 = 90th day. Based on the least significant difference (LSD) test, various lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the P = 0.05 level; error bars represent standard error. (n = 3)
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Estimated PhytOC Production Flux of Millet crop Varieties at different age. 1 = 30th day, 2= 60th day and 3 = 90th day. error bars represent standard error. (n = 3)
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