Figure 1. Structure of anthocyanins pigments; R1 and R2 can be H or sugars and R can be OH or H


Usage of Two Extraction Methods for Natural Dyes (Anthocyanin) from Blackberries of Castilla (Rubus Glaucus Benth) and Its Application in Yogurt

Clemencia Oderay Merino Peñafiel, I. Favian Bayas Morejón, María Esthela Cruz, Alexis Wladimir García, Sonia Lourdes Rodas Espinoza, Myriam Merino Jaramillo, Luis Verdezoto del Salto, Angélica Tigre León, Iván Moreno Pacha, Cecilia Gómez Gallo, Moisés Arreguín Samano, Andrea Román

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2018, 6(11), 699-705 doi:10.12691/jfnr-6-11-4