Figure 7. Correspondence analysis of dairy products and preferred buying places. Each point of purchase is shown in blue while dairy products are shown as red points. First group (supermarket, market and bakery): M-milk, Y-yogurt, MF-fermented milk, R-ricotta, MO-mozzarella, B-butter, CC-cream cheese, MC- ‘frescal minas’ cheese, D-dry milk, DL-dulce milk, CO-condensed milk, CR-milk; Second group (‘emporio’and fairs): CWM-mold fine cheese, CNM-mold-free fine cheese; Third group (others): IC-ice cream (Source: Author’s Computation)


The Evaluation of Consumer Behavior Influence on the Buying Process of Dairy Products in Minas Gerais State, Brazil

Vinícius Rodrigues Arruda Pinto, Laura Fernandes Melo, Douglas Fernando Balbino, Juliana Farias de Novaes, Maria Claudia Negrete, Thiago Duarte de Sousa

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2016, 4(1), 51-59 doi:10.12691/jfnr-4-1-9