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Creating Effective Educational Video on Youtube Kids for Primary Student

Pho Duc Hoa , Nguyen Thuy Hien, Le Kim Anh, Le Huong Giang
American Journal of Educational Research. 2021, 9(6), 368-375. DOI: 10.12691/education-9-6-7
Received May 05, 2021; Revised June 20, 2021; Accepted June 23, 2021


Our scientific research provides direct opinions about the way primary students in Ha Noi are using Youtube. Based on our case studies and through investigations on reality of what exactly happening to be the threat for children, our recommendation that we need to use Youtube Kids as an entertainment and learning tool which is suitable to protect kids from being a subjective victim of negative videos on Youtube. Therefore, we propose to build a healthy and positive Youtube Kids channel suitable to the characteristics of primary school students, in order to orienting them to watch and use appropriate Youtubekids channels.

1. Introduction

Teaching using media can encourage students to take more responsibility for and control over their learning, engage in joint planning of the syllabus and take longer-term perspectives on their learning (Masterman, 1999). Since everybody knows that media give many advantages, teachers in their class should consider what media they are gonna give to the students in the teaching-learning process. Anderson (1976) classify media into ten types, such as Audio, Print, Audio Print, Proyeksi Visual Silent, Audio Visual Projection Silent, Visual Motion, Audio Visual Motion, Physical Object, Human and Environment and the last one is Computer. The use of all of those media is to deliver material to students in the class 1.

Since 1999, Web 2.0 technologies have developed from their earliest form to include diverse widespread Internet applications. We can say YouTube is one of the effective media because inside there, we can find many videos that can support us while teaching in a class 2.

According to the study by Einstein Medical Center (Philadelphia, USA), 97% of children surveyed are given access to a mobile device by their parents, and YouTube is the most popular application for children 3.

However, the current situation of using Youtube is causing many negative effects on primary students’ development because not all the videos on this application are suitable for their age. We realize that it is necessary to study the problem of creating effective educational videos on Youtube Kids. It is a potential learning tools in teaching just like Youtube but more age-appropriate for primary students than Youtube. In addition, Youtube Kids just appeared in Vietnam in recent years, there are not many researches on usage issues as well as Youtube Kids application in school teaching. Therefore, this research is more meaningful and applicable.

2. Content

2.1. Theoretical Basis
2.1.1. The VAK Learning Type Model

The VAK learning type model was developed by scientists in the 1920s to categorise the most common ways that people learn. VAK is researched by professors and experts in neuro-linguistic programming according to which humans learn and receive information through 05 senses including: sight (vision), hearing, touch, taste and smell. Of those 5 senses, there are 3 main ways to receive information: V (Visual), A (Auditory), K (Kinesthetic).

Usually there will be people in 2 of 3 ways, some people belong to one of 3 ways, some belong to all 3 ways. Combining all 3 ways V, A, K form a way to learn super speed suitable for each different object. 4

The application of VAK method is a method to categoris which learning method works for the student will help:

- Help students choose how to learn, where to learn, content and instructors that best suit their learning methods, improving learning efficiency.

- Help teachers build a curriculum that better suits each of their specific groups of students and customize the curriculum to suit their group of students.

It is these 3 ways of receiving, which regulate the learning of each individual. When we understand what our tendency to receive information is, we find the right way to learn for us.

With primary school students, in the first stage to learn and form learning style for themselves, students need exposure and experience all three types of learning from there find the type best suited 4. Integration with the push Students' self-study and self-research process can be seen that the application of the internet, especially Youtube, to the teaching process is completely grounded. Because Youtube can provide 3 channels of information about hearing, seeing, and reading.

Many studies have also shown that video has become an important part of higher education. It is integrated as part of traditional courses, serves as a cornerstone of many blended courses, and is often the main information-delivery mechanism in online courses. Several meta-analyses have shown that technology can enhance learning and multiple studies have shown that video, specifically, can be a highly effective educational tool.  Effective use of video as an educational tool is enhanced when instructors consider three elements: how to manage cognitive load of the video; how to maximize student engagement with the video; and how to promote active learning from the video 5.

For primary school students, self-study is still quite new to them. They are in the early stages of getting used to self-study, so the topics of research need to be suitable for them. In order to do that, the research tasks must meet the student's ZPD zone.

2.1.2. ZPD

The nearest intellectual development zone (ZPD), also known as the potential growth zone, is a concept commonly used in classrooms to help students develop skills. Russian psychology named Vygotsky (1896 - 1934) believes that each person has two stages of skill development: The degree to which they can achieve on their own and what they can achieve with the help of an experienced mentor or teacher. He calls the level that an individual can achieve with help is their ZPD. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

Teaching practice shows that, if the knowledge provided to learners is lower than the ZPD area, they will not be excited to receive (the knowledge given is lower than the real ability of the learners); And if they are higher than the ZPD, they cannot comprehend (knowledge is beyond learners' ability). Thus, the knowledge given in the intellectual development area will ensure fit. The teacher's job is to pose challenges as close to the threshold of intellectual development of learners (level of knowledge) to help learners try to overcome barriers to acquire new knowledge 6, 7. ZPD theory should be applied in teaching using videos to bring the most effective results.

2.1.3. Capacity Building

Capacity building focuses on stimulating students' ability to self-study under the guidance of teachers. So how can students (especially primary school students) find out information related to the lesson themselves? And how can they do it?

Among many sources of information, the most popular and accessible ones for children nowaday is the internet. Through the internet, students can easily find out information related to their lessons, they can also use the internet to improve their own knowledge, answer questions, or make and share their learning projects. In addition, the internet also provides applications with lively and interesting information such as Youtube. With rich and diverse processed content, combining eye-catching audio and visual information channels, it is easy to attract the attention and focus of elementary students and also easy to remember for them 8.

Present generation learners are growing up with digitalization. Educators are increasingly understanding and adapting new methods of teaching laced with digitalization. YouTube, an important off shoot of digitalization, is leading the charge as the most multipurpose medium for content transactions in the classroom and outside the classroom. It not only provides digital entertainment but also provides a great environment for learning. YouTube has multiple advantages for teacher educators and teacher trainees. Teacher educators and teacher trainees search YouTube for any information or clarification on a topic. Using YouTube in the classroom can bring efficiency in teaching and learning. Considering its endless services, there is no surprise that YouTube has been ranked the highest as a preferred learning tool. The teacher educators and teacher trainees can follow the prescribed procedures for creating and uploading effective videos on YouTube. Teacher educators can use YouTube in their class with all precautions and well planning 9.

2.2. Practical

With the development of information technology, the improvement of living conditions and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic – many students are facilitated to have access to the internet. This global health crisis has impacted various sectors, including education in which the interests in using online platforms for teaching and learning among educators and students have increased tremendously. Although many institutions and educators around the globe have introduced some forms of online elements into the teaching and learning process, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused tremendous participation on this. Consequently, videos on YouTube are a great option for education during the pandemic 10.

However, in reality, the internet and Youtube bring many unfortunate risks to students. The laxity in content management of Youtube videos makes it easy for students to access unhealthy videos, affecting the behavioral, psychological and personality development of students.

Many articles have reported about students learning from online videos and then hurting themselves, even losing their lives. In addition, there are countless other negative effects such as game addiction, swearing, etc.

To find out the cause of this phenomenon, we did a survey on the control of parents over the content that their children access on the internet. As a result, nearly a quarter of the people surveyed answered that they do not control the content that their children have watched online. That's also why so many parents can't anticipate the unpredictable consequences of the internet until their child actually has an accident (Figure 1).

According to a survey we conducted in a primary school in Hanoi, the potential exploitation of Youtube platforms among primary school students is not high (Figure 2).

The biobiographers use the Internet mostly for entertainment (except when they study online lessons according to the school program). Very few students use Youtube to find out about education information. The information on the Internet came from a lot of unremarkable sources, the risk of false information is very high. Moreover, a lot of information coming from the internet has too confuse expression for elementary school students that puts them at a disadvantage in finding what is relevant to the necessary knowledge. In other words, the internet or Youtube cannot meet the output standards requirements for students.

On the practical, the internet is completely an underlying foundation, where we can leverage and exploit to provide the most effective means and methods of learning for elementary school students in the new era. however, in the real life, the use of the internet and Youtube of elementary school students is potentially dangerous, seriously affecting the thinking and the development of the students. The question is how to help children use the Internet safely and effectively.

2.3. Solution

After studying the theoretical basis and the practical, we propose the measure "Using YoutubeKids application in primary education”. This measure is proposed to overcome the negative effects of Youtube applications. This is because YouTube Kids has a better child protection mechanism than Youtube, which can help parents to manage the content and time children use application.

2.3.1. Raising Awareness for Parents in the Direction and Management of Students Using YouTube Kids

For Youtube Kids application, the download of apps, setting up the utility profile all need to be done by parents with electronic devices at home. So the coordinated methodology between the school and parents to help guide and manage children using Youtube Kids become more comprehensive.

Actively propagate and organize seminars to raise parents' awareness about the importance of education for students to use Youtube Kids in a healthy way are very important, especially for primary students. The contents will be strictly controlled, suitable for each age of the child. Parents can also set timers to control the amout of time children use the app.

- Set up usage profiles for children (Figure 3-Figure 6)

In the interface of the application appears different sections to watch videos, including Discovery, Music, Learning and Programs (Figure 7 - Figure 10).

- Timer watch videos on YouTube Kids (Figure 11 and Figure 12)

2.3.2. Using and Learning from Videos Available on Youtube Kids

The educational program on YouTube Kids is very diverse, many forms and personalities.

• "Entertaining education"- combining education with entertainment

• Easy-to-understand education and answers, share "how to" instructional videos, academic topics, or curriculum-structured videos

• Skills-enhancing study - introduces skills related to basic careers

2.3.3. Creating a Learning Channel that is Suitable for Students and Educational Content In School

YouTube Kids is an open platform for all content creators to post their videos. By using app Youtube Kids the educationers can produce series of video, clip with suitable contents for the kids’ wisdom development and it is absolutely possible as teacher are those who clearly knowing the student’ ZPD. About the student, instead of wandering around on a large dessert of information on the internet, now they can easily find the information they need and, moreover, is the more official, exactly, beliveable and suitable with their ages just by using Youtube Kids and exploit the video that their teacher have made and introduced.

The videos on "Smart Cricket" channel provide fun facts surrounding the 4th grade history lessons. Such videos can be used for warm-up activities at the beginning of the class, expanding knowledge about the lesson or as a source of information for students to find out on their own after school (Figure 13 and Figure 14).

* Clip creating techniques

During the research and construction progress of our youtube channel, we have drawn some techniques to create a suitable clip for primary school children as follows:

- Choosing a topic

Creators need to define the topic they want to convey to the students before starting to build the clip. It is necessary to answer questions such as:

• "What age is this clip aimed at?"

• "What content do we want to convey through this clip?"

• "What subject is the content of the clip?"

Some content is suggested in the process of choosing a topic such as the content related to the curriculum in textbooks; supplementary and advanced content; healthy entertainment content, ect.

- Choosing the methodology of presentation

Young children love moving, colorful and funny things. Therefore, clip creators need to choose a presentation methodology that is lively, appropriate for the age group and ensures that the content is conveyed fully, concisely and accurately.

The methodology that we propose is to make videos with animated motifs, using cute, funny, child-friendly drawings to illustrate the conveyed contents.

- Notes on timing and music

Elementary school children are often active and impatient. A clip that is too long will distract and depress them 12. Therefore, the creator needs to filter the content of information that will be included in the clip. Make sure each clip is only 1 to 3 minutes long. Moreover, elementary school students tend to like funny things. The use of bustling, playful music will add excitement to the clip, attracting viewers. In addition, music can also stimulate their thinking, help them be interested in the content and easier to memorize.

- Determine/ Identify the keywords related to the maincontent content of the topic.

The knowledge provided will pass away very quickly if students do not receive keywords related to the main content of the topic. As a result, the creator should insert keywords in the clip to emphasize the main content and help them remember it more effectively. By that way the video can convey all the necessary content to the audience in a concise, effective way through the keywords that you provide.

The keywords need to be presented clearly, using vivid fonts, of moderate size so that students can easily see and remember.

The above are the techniques we apply to build videos on the channel "Smart cricket". For example, the video "Trong Dong – Bao vat thoi Hung Vuong"

( was inspired by lesson 1, history grade 4th: “Nuoc Van Lang thoi cac vua Hung” provided information about a treasure showing the typical culture of the Hung Vuong. The illustrations in the video are designed by us, drawn by hand, then cut and pasted into a small chopstick to control. We also use bright colors to create eye-catching characters for students. The keywords in the video such as "Thoi Hung Vuong", “chan choai”, "hoa van" and so on are presented clearly, using vivid fonts, moderate size to help students remember easily. In the process of editing videos, we use Kine Master application with available music background, suitable for young children. With this simple way, every teacher can easily and economically make their own cartoon clips.

In addition, the channel is being developed more videos closely related to the contents of the primary school subjects such as Experiential Activities, Math, Literature divided from 1st grade to 5th grade. YouTube channel "Smart Cricket" is in the process of completing videos and waiting for approval to be posted on YouTube Kids application.

2.3.4. Test Results


Based on the above results (Table 1), we conclude that the necessity and the feasibility of the proposed measures are positively and very closely correlated. This means that the proposed measures are assessed as necessary and feasible. The synchronous application of measures towards practical compliance, appropriate to circumstances and towards quality, will surely promote safety and efficiency education when using application applications in general and Youtube Kids in particular for Primary school students achieved high results and contributed to improving the overall quality of education of the school.

3. Conclusion

We hope that by building a fun and useful learning content on the YouTube Kids application, we can help Primary students feel more interested in History as well as with a rich national identity culture of our country. At the same time, this is also an example of great potential in applying YouTube Kids to teaching in primary schools. Moreover, by building a Youtube Kids channel, we can serve the requirement of the new era, meet the needs of the learning outcome (by mastering the ZPD to produce appropriate content). Above all, contributing to raising awareness for both parents and students about the safety internal environment.


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[7]  Pho Duc Hoa, Ngo Quang Son, 2017, Teaching methods and teaching technology in an interactive pedagogical environment).
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[8]  Pho Duc Hoa. (2012). Active teaching and approaches in teaching primary students).
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[9]  Srinivasacharlu A, 2020, Using Youtube in Colleges of Education, International Journal of Education, 8(2), 21-24.
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[10]  Zulnaidi Yaacob, Nor Hasliza Md Saad, 2020, Acceptance of YouTube as a Learning Platform during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Subscription Status, TEM Journal, 9(4), 1732-1739.
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[11]  Michael Carmichael, Abigail – Kate Reid, Jeffrey D. Karpicke, Assessing the Impact of Educational Video on Student Engagement, Critical Thinking and Learning.
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[12]  Ministry of Education. (2018). Overall general education program (Experience activities and career guidance activities).
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Published with license by Science and Education Publishing, Copyright © 2021 Pho Duc Hoa, Nguyen Thuy Hien, Le Kim Anh and Le Huong Giang

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Pho Duc Hoa, Nguyen Thuy Hien, Le Kim Anh, Le Huong Giang. Creating Effective Educational Video on Youtube Kids for Primary Student. American Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 9, No. 6, 2021, pp 368-375.
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Hoa, Pho Duc, et al. "Creating Effective Educational Video on Youtube Kids for Primary Student." American Journal of Educational Research 9.6 (2021): 368-375.
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Hoa, P. D. , Hien, N. T. , Anh, L. K. , & Giang, L. H. (2021). Creating Effective Educational Video on Youtube Kids for Primary Student. American Journal of Educational Research, 9(6), 368-375.
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Hoa, Pho Duc, Nguyen Thuy Hien, Le Kim Anh, and Le Huong Giang. "Creating Effective Educational Video on Youtube Kids for Primary Student." American Journal of Educational Research 9, no. 6 (2021): 368-375.
[1]  Abdul Khaliq R. Nasution, 2019, YouTube as a Media in English Language Teaching (ELT) Context: Teaching Procedure Text. Utamax: Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 1(1), 29-33.
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[2]  Azkia Muharom Albantani, Ahmad Madkur, 2017, Musyahadat Al Fidyu: Youtube-Based Teaching and Learning of Arabic as Foreign Language (AFL), Dinamika Ilmu, 17(2), 297-308.
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[3]  Tinh Anh, 2018, Technological nanny: should or should not?
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[4]  Sreenidhi S K, Tay Chinyi Helena, 2017, Styles of Learning Based on the Research of Fernald, Keller, Orton, Gillingham, Stillman, Montessori and Neil D Fleming International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2(4), 17-25.
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[5]  Cynthia J. Brame, 2016, Effective educational videos: Principles and guidelines for maximizing student learning from video content, CBE Life Sci Educ. 2016 Winter; 15(4): es6.
In article      View Article  PubMed
[6]  Dewey John, 1944, Democracy and Education. The Free Press. pgs. 1-4.
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[7]  Pho Duc Hoa, Ngo Quang Son, 2017, Teaching methods and teaching technology in an interactive pedagogical environment).
In article      
[8]  Pho Duc Hoa. (2012). Active teaching and approaches in teaching primary students).
In article      
[9]  Srinivasacharlu A, 2020, Using Youtube in Colleges of Education, International Journal of Education, 8(2), 21-24.
In article      View Article
[10]  Zulnaidi Yaacob, Nor Hasliza Md Saad, 2020, Acceptance of YouTube as a Learning Platform during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Subscription Status, TEM Journal, 9(4), 1732-1739.
In article      View Article
[11]  Michael Carmichael, Abigail – Kate Reid, Jeffrey D. Karpicke, Assessing the Impact of Educational Video on Student Engagement, Critical Thinking and Learning.
In article      
[12]  Ministry of Education. (2018). Overall general education program (Experience activities and career guidance activities).
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