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Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam

Pham Thi Thanh Hai, Dinh Thi Huong Hai
American Journal of Educational Research. 2024, 12(11), 439-446. DOI: 10.12691/education-12-11-4
Received September 26, 2024; Revised October 28, 2024; Accepted November 04, 2024


The number of Japanese language learners in Vietnam is on the rise, making it the sixth-largest population of Japanese learners globally. Developing training programs to meet the labor market’s demand for Japanese-speaking professionals has become a priority for higher education institutions specializing in foreign languages. This study analyzed the impact of various factors on the management of training program development for bachelor’s degrees in Japanese language in Vietnam. A sample of 148 valid observations were collected through surveys using Google Forms, from university managers and lecturers. The analysis of these factors is multifaceted and highly regarded in this study. Notably, the results indicate that the Awareness and Capacity of departmental and faculty-level managers had the greatest influence, while the International Socio-economic and Political context had the least. The article also emphasizes that careful coordination and consideration of these factors can contribute to building a high-quality training program that aligns with both labor market needs and Vietnam’s educational goals.

1. Introduction

According to a survey by the Japan Foundation for International Exchange in Vietnam in 2018 1, Vietnam has 818 Japanese language training institutions with over 170,000 learners. Higher education institutions in Vietnam are playing a leading role in training and providing quality Japanese - speaking human resources for the labor market but face many challenges in innovation, development and quality improvement. According to Tran Quoc Trung (2019) 2, although Vietnamese universities recognize the importance of training activities, managing training program development remains limited.

The analysis of the development trend of the Japanese language industry in the future and the proposals for the training of Japanese language bachelors to meet social needs has given a complete picture of the human resources using Japanese in Vietnam, the results of the research of Ngo Minh Thuy (2002) 3 as a basis for universities to adjust the content and teaching methods in the process of implementing the training program. Therefore, the management of the Japanese Language training program has a great influence on the quality of training as well as the quality of human resources using Japanese in society.

(2021) 4 pointed out several factors that affect the management of the training program development according to the organizational structure, school culture, and the role of leaders and advisors, which form the conditions for strengthening the overall structure. My Giang Son (2016) 5 researched the topic: "The current situation of managing the training program development to meet social requirements at Saigon University". Accordingly, the author has pointed out 4 basic factors affecting the effectiveness of managing the development of e-commerce, namely: Awareness of management staff and teachers about the importance of e-commerce development; Knowledge and skills of management staff and teachers on training development; The university's funding is for the training program development; Direction of the Ministry of Education and Training on the training program development. Thus, there are many different factors that affect the management of training program development, and the extent of the impact will also be different.

Determining the levels of management of training program development of the Japanese Language, then identifying the factors affecting the management of training program development of the Japanese Language at universities, thereby finding highly effective management, is considered an important task in the educational management. Currently, there is no direct research on the management of training program development of Japanese Language in Vietnam. Based on the theoretical framework of training program development and the management of program development, factors affecting training in the language industry in general and Japanese in particular, we conducted a practical survey to assess the level of implementation of management functions (planning, organization of implementation, direction, monitoring and evaluation) when managing training program development of the Japanese Language in Vietnam. Secondly, this study aims to explore the different factors that affect the overall structure of the management of training program development of Japanese Language in Vietnam.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Research on the Training Program Development of Japanese Language at Universities

Le Minh Hiep (2018) 6 examined "The current situation of training development in foreign language universities - University of Da Nang meets the quality standards of AUN-QA", which mentioned the current situation of building foreign language curricula at universities. The author proposes measures to develop the curriculum in the direction of meeting the AUN – QA quality standards.

Ngo Minh Thuy (2002) 7 on "The development trend of the Japanese language industry in the future and proposals for the training of bachelor of Japanese in particular and bachelor of foreign languages in general to meet social needs" has provided a comprehensive analysis of human resources using Japanese in Vietnam today, including the current situation of the link between three factors: Japanese language training agency - Trained Japanese language human resources – Recruitment agency of trained Japanese language human resources and the aspirations and suggestions from the above three factors for this linkage. The results obtained in the above overview are the basis for training agencies to adjust teaching content and methods in the process of implementing the training program. Based on analyzing the Bakhtin group's views on language and its applications in foreign language teaching and learning, author Ngo Minh Thuy (2012) 8 surveys the current situation of Japanese language teaching in Vietnam and analyzes that situation from the perspective of the Bakhtin group, point out the "positive" and "negative" in teaching Japanese in Vietnam and make suggestions for improving the quality of teaching. In other words, the study investigated the approach of the Bakhtin group, one of the approaches that is considered to have a great influence on foreign language teaching in the world today, and the application of this approach to foreign language teaching in Vietnam. Specifically, teaching Japanese, thereby contributing to supplementing knowledge of methodology - the foundation of teaching French foreign languages.

Phung Kim Anh (2007) 9 mentioned the general situation of human resources and the training program of Japanese human resources in Vietnam. There is an analysis on the difficulties in training and using Japanese human resources such as language issues, training programs, and differences in business culture of the two countries.

Nguyen Thi Bich Ha (2007) 10 in the article: “Teaching Japanese in Vietnam with Japanese Language Training at Foreign Trade University,” discussed the current state and challenges of the Japanese language training program at Foreign Trade University. The article highlights issues related to the curriculum and teaching methods used in the Japanese language program. Ngo Minh Thuy (2010) 11 in the article "The problem of improving the quality of human resources using Japanese and some solutions applied at VNU" presented the ability of Japanese bachelors to respond to social work and to analyze the causes and propose solutions to improve the quality of human resources using Japanese. Specifically, four solutions have been mentioned, namely: Standardizing the knowledge of the training program, adjusting the content of the training program, improving the qualifications of lecturers, and coordinating.

2.2. Research on the Management of Japanese Language Training Program Development

Tran Van Tung (2013) 12 with the topic "Training management in Vietnamese universities according to the results-based management approach (RBM)": Results-based management research helps educational institutions to develop labor management processes, structures, rearrange cultural values, policies, strategies and practices, including designing and identifying external outcomes that are meaningful for social development by applying management tools such as: Strategic plans, outcome maps, systems for monitoring and evaluating strategic plans in the current context of the decentralization model, allocation of responsibilities to individuals and organizations, information networks for operational management, application of flexibility and stakeholder participation processes as well as openness, equal... in resource allocation.

Frank Heyworth (2013) 13 has studied the application of quality management in foreign language teaching. Accordingly, it is necessary to have standards to determine the quality of foreign language teaching, for programs, materials, teaching methods, evaluation of learning outcomes, outputs, and resources for teaching.

Ron White et al. (1991) 14 conducted research on the management of English language teaching. The team identified 15 areas for improvement, including goals, content, programs, teaching methods, and the perceptions and perspectives of those involved in the teaching process. They emphasized that the human factor is crucial in every improvement.

Apart from international research, numerous domestic studies have also examined the management of the teaching process. For instance, Dinh Thi Hong Tham (2014) 15 researched and proposed models and measures to manage the quality of specialized English teaching at non-specialized colleges in Vietnam. The study aimed to align with the Ministry of Education and Training’s quality management standards and approach the quality management standards of ASEAN, QA-AUN, and international benchmarks.

2.3. Research on Factors Affecting the Management of Training Program Development of Japanese Language at Universities

In the research paper "A Study on the Nature of the Structural Factors affecting Curriculum Management in Japan" by (2021) 16, the author seeks to capture the impacts on curriculum management according to organizational structure, school culture, the role of leaders and mentors, these form the conditions for strengthening the overall structure. Mentoring, from a leadership perspective, can help teachers to have a more positive mindset.

Futao Huang (2017) 17 has affirmed that the national context factor, especially the origins of higher education and the ongoing national policies in both countries, seems to play an important role in how scholars now view training program development and teaching and their participation in these activities.

Lawrence A. Crosby et al. (1990) 18 and Gaston Leblanc and Nguyen Nha (1997) 19 also rated faculty as an important quality indicator of higher education. (2005) 20 also affirmed that the required qualities of lecturers in addition to fulfilling teaching responsibilities also include possessing a positive attitude in teaching, good communication skills, the ability to advise effectively and being able to provide regular feedback to students. Overall, university lecturers not only need to demonstrate professional competence but also need to possess the right personal qualities as well as reasonable social skills.

Le Chi Lan (2016) 21 demonstrated that employer requirements significantly influence the structure and content of training programs. These changes aim to meet the broader labor market demands and specific employer needs. Consequently, employers play a crucial role in shaping and developing training programs to align with societal needs. My Giang Son (2016) 22 concluded that subjective factors significantly influence the efficiency of training development management at Saigon University. These factors include the awareness of school and faculty leaders and teachers about the importance of training development, as well as the knowledge and skills of management staff and teachers in this area. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep (2021) 23 identified and quantified the factors affecting the quality of language training at universities in Dong Nai with 6 factors affecting the quality of language training, in universities in Dong Nai ranked in descending order of impact as follows: Facilities, Teaching staff, Attitude, Trust, Training Content and Interactive System.

Cao Le Dung Chi (2017) 24 in "Teaching and learning Japanese in the global era", summarized the current situation of Japanese language training in Vietnam, analyzed the difficulties in improving quality, and proposed some solutions towards the goal of meeting the criteria for teaching and learning foreign languages in the 21st century. The author also presented several influencing factors such as the relationship between Vietnam and Japan, the source of materials, and the capacity of lecturers are factors that directly cause difficulties to the quality of Japanese language training in Vietnam.

Inheriting the existing studies, this study identifies the following factors affecting the management of training program development of the Japanese Language at universities, including the professional capacity of the managers and lecturers, the Socio-political and economic relations, Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, Socio-economic and political context in and out of the country.

3. Methodology

3.1. Research Questions

The paper aims to address questions as follows: First, What is the current situation regarding managing training program development of Japanese Language’s at Vietnamese universities? Second, How do the factors affect the management of training program development of the Japanese Language at Vietnamese universities?

3.2. Research Methodology

To address these contents, this study employs a combination of theoretical and practical research methods simultaneously (Trinh Van Minh, Dang Ba Lam, 2020) 25.

Group of theoretical research methods: Analyze, synthesize and compare theories through domestic and international research works related to the management of training program development of Japanese Language, factors affecting program development management at the university level.

Group of practical research methods: Evaluate the current situation through a sociological survey using questionnaires about the status of management of training program development of the Japanese Language at the university level, identifying the influencing factors and determining their degree of influence.

Statistical methods, data processing: Data from the surveys are processed using algorithms and software SPSS 20 (Statistical Package for Social Studies).

3.4. Questionnaires and Samples

The questionnaire is structured into three sections, including: (i) General information, (ii) The current situation of management of training program development of Japanese Language at Vietnamese universities is evaluated based on the following criteria of implementation of the functions of management; (iii) Factors affecting the management of training program development of Japanese Language at Vietnamese universities include: Strategic vision of the University's Board of Directors; Awareness and capacity of University managers; Awareness and capacity of managers at the Faculty and Department level; Awareness and capacity of lecturers; International socio-political economic context; Socio-political and economic context within the country; Socio-economic and political relations between Vietnam and Japan; Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; Financial conditions, facilities and equipment of the school; The role of the labor market.

The survey was conducted with 30 experts and managers of faculties/departments and 118 lecturers (teachers) from Vietnamese universities offering Japanese Language programs. 100% of the lecturers participating in the survey are directly involved in teaching Japanese according to the Japanese Language Training Program. Similarly, 100% of experts and managers are directly related to the development of the Japanese Language Training Program at the university level.

3.5. Scales and Data Processing

The scales used were in the form of a 5-level Likert scale, the opinions of the surveyed individuals on the level of evaluation are conventionally with the following levels:

The scale for the study question is 1: 1- very negative, 2 - not very positive, 3 - normal, 4 - positive, 5 - very positive.

Scales for study question 2: 1 – very unaffected, 2 – not very affected, 3 – normal, 4 – affected, 5 – very influential

Due to the use of a 5-level Likert scale, questions are calculated on a scale of 1 to 5. Therefore, the scale convention for the DTB value of the observed variables is divided by the distance value: divide the Likert measure of 5 degrees into 5 equal parts and distribute each part corresponding to a value of the measure, in which:

Distance = (Largest Value – Smallest Value)/5 = (5-1)/5 = 0.8

Thus, the scale value segments are as follows:

Level 1: from 1.00 – 1.80: Very negative/Very unaffected

Level 2: from above 1.80 – 2.60: Not very positive/ Not very affected

Level 3: from above 2.60 – 3.40: Neutral

Level 4: from above 3.40 – 4.20: Positive / Influential

Level 5: from above 4.20 – 5.00: Very positive / Very influential

To assess the reliability of the scales, we used Cronbach's Coefficient alpha correlation model. The results of the analysis of the above table show that the reliability calculated according to the Cronbach Alpha coefficient on a sample of 118 lecturers and 30 specialists and managers has high reliability (from 0.86 to 0.96).

4. Findings and Discussions

4.1. Lecturers' Perception of Management of Training Program Development

Management of training program development is a continuous process aimed at perfecting the training program to ensure high - quality of human resource training that meets the socio-economic development needs.

In the various steps of management of training program development, lecturers evaluated the university as performing positively and consistently across all steps (average scores ranged from 3.8 to 3.9). Scores from 1 to 5 correspond to levels from very negative to very positive. A higher point indicates a more positive level of performance.

When implementing the plan for training program development of the Japanese Language, the university is most active in activities such as: Planning for the determination of the purpose and objective and planning for the design and implementation of the program (Mean = 4). The university is less active in activities such as planning for the identification of human resources needed for the development of the training program and building a coordination mechanism between parties involved in the training development (Mean = 3.8).

For the organization of the implementation of the training program development plan, the school implements the most active in activities such as organizing the implementation of the training program design and the implementation of the training program (Mean = 4), on the contrary, the organization of coordination between the participating parties is evaluated less positively by the lecturers (Mean = 3.7).

In directing the implementation of the training program development plan, the school is most active in activities such as directing the design of the training program and directing the implementation of the training program (Mean= 4.1); however, it is less active in motivating members to participate in the development of the training program (Mean=3.7).

In monitoring and evaluating the results of training program development, the university is most active in activities such as examining and evaluating the determination of the purpose and objectives of the training program, monitoring and evaluating the design of the training program, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the training program, etc. inspection and assessment to ensure the progress according to the prescribed timeline (Mean= 3.9). The university has been less active in the assessment of coordination between stakeholders in training program development (Mean= 3.7).

4.2. Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam

The survey results in the lecturer group show that most of the factors have a positive impact on the management of the training program development. In particular, the factors that have the most positive influence on the management of the training program development include: awareness and capacity of managers at the Faculty and Department levels (Mean = 4.4), regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, socio-economic and political relations between Vietnam and Japan, etc vision and strategy of the school leadership, awareness and capacity of school managers, the role of the labor market (Mean = 4.3). The international and domestic socio-economic and political contexts have less influence than the rest of the factors (average scores of 3.9 and 4, respectively).

The reason for such a disparity is that the management of training program development is directly influenced by the awareness and capacity of managers at the school, faculty, and department levels, the vision and strategy of the school's Board of Directors, and the regulations and standards of the Ministry of Education and Training. The higher the awareness and capacity of managers at all levels in the school, the clearer and stricter the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, the more effective the management and development of training programs. The vision of leaders, the awareness and competence of school managers and lecturers are evaluated at the highest level in the management of program development of the Japanese Language Undergraduate Program (Mean= 4.2-4.3). This also confirms that the correctness of management solutions is focused first on the awareness and capacity of the university leadership team, which has been confirmed by several other studies. Management of training program development is an ongoing process and plays an important role in ensuring the quality of human resource training to meet the requirements of the economy and society. The study refers to the renewal of management of training programs development in Vietnam in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, thereby proposing a model of innovation in the management of training programs development (Tran Quoc Trung, 2019) 26.

Factors related to socio-economic and political relations between Vietnam and Japan are highly appreciated in this study. In fact, this factor is increasingly effective, showing the increase in Japanese businesses and the need to recruit workers who know Japanese, which increases the need to train human resources with this language skill. Businesses require not only language skills but also cultural knowledge, the ability to work in an international environment, and other professional skills. To develop the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Japan, Japan is interested in cooperation to support development not only for infrastructure systems but also for human resource development in Vietnam (Nguyen Thi Thanh Lam, 2021) 27.

Factors related to the regulations and standards of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam on the content of the program, the training time frame and the requirements for lecturers all have a direct impact on the development of the training program; support and orientation from the state's strategic policies on the development of quality human resources. Similarly, My Giang Son (2016) 28 said that the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training on the program development is one of the 4 important factors affecting the management of training program development.

The role of the labor market in the program development is highly appreciated (Mean = 4.3) in this study also shows the trend of the context of deeper and wider integration. Similarly, Nguyen Huu Nang (2023) 29 said that the linkage between the school and the labor market is considered a necessary condition for the development of the two sides. Universities that implement autonomous governance often have flexibility in managing the training program development, allowing for rapid integration of new and highly adaptable trends and technologies in meeting the diverse needs of the industry; (Kieu Hung & Nguyen Thi Dung, 2017) 30.

The factors of financial conditions, facilities, and equipment of the school are highly appreciated in this study, once again affirming the important role in Vietnamese school governance. Similar to Nguyen Thi Huong and Ta Ngoc Cuong (2016), 31 the university education in Vietnam is a public service, provided by the State with financial resources to serve the common good, to implement social justice policies. To promote the development of university education, finance is a very important resource to develop other resources such as people, facilities, ... factors that determine the quality of university education.

Factors related to domestic and international socio-economic and political contexts are of great significance for the management and development of bachelor programs in Japanese language. This result is like several other studies on factors that are assessed to have an influence on the management of the training program development at this time. This finding is not only of theoretical significance but also of great practical significance for improving the quality of curriculum to meet the new needs of society (Nguyen Thi Hanh & Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, 2020) 32. Regarding socio-political factors in the country, Pham Anh Quoc, Do Thi Quynh Anh (2022) 33 concluded: Most Japanese businesses positively evaluate Vietnam's high growth potential. Socio-political stability, cheaper leisure prices compared to other countries in the region... are important advantages for the Vietnamese market to attract large capital sources from Japan.

4.3. Limitations

In the process of research, several factors that may have an impact on the management of the training program development in Japanese language at Vietnamese universities have not been implemented such as: International cooperation through student and lecturer exchange programs, cooperation projects and sponsorships; Student attitudes and perceptions through student interest and commitment; Evaluation and feedback from stakeholders such as from students, and businesses.

5. Conclusion

The analysis reveals that the most significant factors impacting the management of the training program development in Japanese language programs at Vietnamese universities are the awareness and capacity of faculty-level and department-level managers (Mean= 4.4), while the International Socio-Political Context had the lowest influence (Mean= 3.9). The cognitive and competency factors of lecturers are assessed in the educational level, teaching skills and working experience of lecturers; Research capacity is assessed on the ability to research and develop new teaching methods, as well as the application of advanced teaching methods. Factors related to management subjects such as leadership teams, lecturers, contextual factors, and factors related to stakeholders such as the labor market have been evaluated, and the results of the study show a significant level of positivity in the management of the training program development of Japanese language in some universities in Vietnam. Each of the above factors has a certain influence on the management of the training program development of Japanese Language in Vietnam. The findings emphasize that collaborative efforts and careful consideration of these factors can contribute to building a high-quality training program that meets the labor market’s needs and aligns with Vietnam’s educational objectives.


This research was funded by VNU University of Languages and International Studies (VNU-ULIS) in the project No.24.14.


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Pham Thi Thanh Hai, Dinh Thi Huong Hai. Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 12, No. 11, 2024, pp 439-446.
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Hai, Pham Thi Thanh, and Dinh Thi Huong Hai. "Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam." American Journal of Educational Research 12.11 (2024): 439-446.
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Hai, P. T. T. , & Hai, D. T. H. (2024). Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research, 12(11), 439-446.
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Hai, Pham Thi Thanh, and Dinh Thi Huong Hai. "Factors Influencing the Management of Japanese Language Bachelor’s Program Development in Vietnam." American Journal of Educational Research 12, no. 11 (2024): 439-446.
[1]  Phuong Lan, “Vietnam ranks 6th in the world in the number of people learning Japanese,” Social and Cultural Department of Voice of Vietnam VOV2. 2021. [Online]. Available: http://.
In article      
[2]  Tran Quoc Trung, “Managing and developing higher education programs to meet the needs of the Industrial Revolution 4.0,” Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, (21). 2019.
In article      
[3]  Ngo Minh Thuy, “The issue of improving the quality of human resources using Japanese and some solutions applied at the University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University,” in Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Japanese language research and teaching-learning, Ulis. 2010.
In article      
[4]  Yaosaka Osamu, “A Study on the Nature of the Structural Factors affecting Curriculum. Management in Japan,” Teacher Education Research: Journal of the Center for Teacher Education Research Tamagawa University, (4). 17-37. 2021.
In article      
[5]  My Giang Son, “The current situation of managing training development meets social requirements at Saigon University,” Journal of Educational Practice Research, (135). 2016.
In article      
[6]  Le Minh Hiep, “The current situation of training development at the University of Foreign Languages - University of Da Nang meets the quality standards of AUN-QA,” Journal of Education, 435 (semester 1 - 8/2018). 13-18. 2018.
In article      
[7]  Ngo Minh Thuy, “The issue of improving the quality of human resources using Japanese and some solutions applied at the University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University,” in Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Japanese language research and teaching-learning, Ulis. 2010.
In article      
[8]  Ngo Minh Thuy, “The current situation of Japanese language teaching in Vietnam and some solutions to improve the quality of teaching (from the perspective of the philosophy of language of the Bakhtin group,”in National University Project 2009-2012.
In article      
[9]  Phung Kim Anh, “Miscellaneous digging and use of Japanese human resources - Current situation and solutions,” in Proceedings of the scientific conference: Training human resources to meet the requirements of international economic integration, Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, 2007.
In article      
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