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Figure 1
YFC expresses H-ferritin containing iron.
Panel 1a is an elution profile of human heavy chain ferritin purified from yeast. The column was eluted in SEC buffer and the absorbance at 260, 280 and 310nm and the conductivity was monitored. The
absorbance at 280nm and conductivity are shown. Due to the high absorbance of the iron the absorbance at the wavelength of the main peak eluting at ~14mL was saturated at its peak with this sample load. The totally excluded volume is shown by the conductivity trace (grey) and results from a slight mismatch of the salt concentration in concentrated protein sample and elution buffer. Panel 1b shows that iron co-elutes with
the ferritin oligomer. The estimated Fth1 oligomeric concentrations (510kDa) estimated from a Bradford assay (black squares) and iron concentration (red squares) as function of elution volume is shown. The iron content of the total excluded peak was at baseline levels (data not shown). Panel 1c shows that Fth1 is the dominant species eluting in the Superose 6 chromatogram. Coomassie stained 12% SDS-PAGE gel. Lane 1 is the sample prior to loading on the column. Lanes 2-14 are 5μL from every other faction through peaks observed in the chromatogram. Lane 15 is the molecular weight standards. A line migrating at a Mw of ~39kD is observed throughout this gel and is an artefact of unknown origins
Nutritional Yeast Ferritin-Iron Complex: A Novel Source of Dietary Iron
James R. Connor, Erica L. Unger, Ralph L. Keil, John Flanagan, Stephanie M. Patton, Gabriele R Lubach, Martin M. Schafer, Christopher L Coe
American Journal of Food and Nutrition
, 9(3), 122-131 doi:10.12691/ajfn-9-3-5
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