Applications of Psychology in Brazil

Nobre Thalita Lacerda

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Applications of Psychology in Brazil

Nobre Thalita Lacerda

Editor on this special issue, PhD Clinical Psychology – Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). Professor and supervisor at Catholic University of Santos – SP – Brazil and University Paulista – Santos – SP-Brazil


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  • Lacerda, Nobre Thalita. "Applications of Psychology in Brazil." American Journal of Applied Psychology 2.5A (2014): 0-0.
  • Lacerda, N. T. (2014). Applications of Psychology in Brazil. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(5A), 0-0.
  • Lacerda, Nobre Thalita. "Applications of Psychology in Brazil." American Journal of Applied Psychology 2, no. 5A (2014): 0-0.

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It is with great pleasure that I introduce readers to the articles in this special issue of American jornal of applied Psychology.

This issue brings important and current considerations about Applied psychology in Brazil. The authors conducted a brilliant and brave to show us the results of their research work.

Brazil is a large country in area and has large variety of applications of Psychology. We can not say that either current study of one is more or less widespread. There are areas with more or less tradition, but there is always some group that represents.

So, I do not intend to present an accurate picture of how to give applications of this science in my country, because we have manuscripts in reduced number. For that, we would need more systematic studies and more, much more manuscripts.

However, I believe that this special issue brings good guidance on freedom and the seriousness that the study of Psychology has been treated in this country. Some studies could follow during the course of realization, others I could learn a lot after reading them. Scholars who represent the country in this special one are:

Claudia Ades, with the manuscript entitled: "Hysteria today", presents a modern view of an considerated ancient mental illness, characteristic of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The author brings important discussion that mental illnesses do not change with time, because the human psyche is timeless. In the words of the author: “Although not always acknowledged as such, hysteria remains intensely present, emerging nowadays under disseminated ways through means of communication, such as eating or panic disorders, and some other symptomatologies; the focus on the symptoms that arise can, nevertheless, overshadow the understanding of the psychic constitution they are part of.” To understand on the basis of hysteria today and always, the author uses the Freudian theory and post Freudian author Piera Aulagnier. This manuscript is the result of the dissertation defended at the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP).

Cristiane Palmeira, with the manuscript entitled: “Maternal function in neonatal ICU: psychoanalytic considerations on the experience of mothers in hospitals”, elucidates the relationship between motherhood and maternal function. This research aimed to determine whether the difficulty in the exercise of motherhood, within a neonatal intensive care unit, could interfere with the conditions for sustaining maternal function, usually exercised by the mother. To work in this study, Palmeira utilized Freud’s and Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory. The work was carried out in a private hospital of São Paulo city, with mothers of both male and female babies, preterm neonates at the Neonatal ICU. This manuscript is the result of the dissertation defended in 2011 at the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP).

Thayana Ribeiro, with the manuscript entitled: “Families facing hospitalization” presents a study carried out in Guilherme Alvaro Hospital, in Santos city, Brazil. This one aims to understand the relationship between the triad: patient-family-staff during the disease process and hospitalization. With that, the author intend to get smaller the difficulty in dialogue between the demands brought by patients and their families by posing as challenge of the important task of facilitating the relationship patient-family-staff, as providing a space for the emotions triggered in the process of struggling for life and give to the patient and his family, the freedom of feelings expression.

Ivani de Sousa Moita, Francisca Clenilma da Rocha Freitas and Claudia Milhim Shiota, on the article intitled: “Therapeutic Assesment in infancy” present an important study about a case of a girl who was 9 years old when was referred by the school for the clinic of applied psychology in the University in Santos city - Brazil, for the realization of a psychodiagnostic process. With this procedure, the students observed that familiar and emotional factors influence directly the school performance of children.

Letícia Ferreira de Assis, Meire Elen dos Santos Rodrigues, Vieira, Nobre, Thalita Lacerda, Marina Tucunduva Bittencourt Porto, on the article intitled: “Child Intervening Psychodiagnosis as a facilitator tool in the relationship and learning difficulties”, present an interesting psychodiagnosis process carried out with a kid of 5 years old at the clinic of applied psychology in the University in Santos city - Brazil. The process happened in 10 meetings and it was divided into an initial interview / anamnesis, seven playfully observations and two home and school visits, which are part of the grid of the psychology clinic-school. Due to the child's difficulties, psychomotor activities were conducted in two meetings. With this process and with this study authors obtained that the child could be diagnosed with any neurological disorder. So, his mother was adviced to seek a neurological and phonoaudiological consultation.

Jaqueline de Souza, Geovana Ortiz and Sonia Santos, on the article intitled: “Caring For Psychological Health In An Organizational Context”, present a study that was resulted of an experience report on a lecture entitled "Psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium and the importance of the father", performed by trainees of the Psychology course at University Paulista - UNIP in a Telemarketing Company in the city of Santos - Brazil. After this experience the authors decided to write the reflection about how the psychologist can intervene in order to provide a better quality of life inside na institution, as well as offer opportunities for dialog and guidance to such women and the proposal of the return of the interns to the institution with the drawing up of a new project.

As an editor and researcher, can say that I am very proud of organize this special issue. Thank the American Journal of Applied Psychology we can reduce the barriers between scientific advancements in the field of psychology. Me and the authors wish that this science develops more and more, with new studies and new ways of thinking about human beings.

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