Figure 1. Left: Geographic location of Desaguadero river basin. Right: Rivers that integrate the basin. 1: Vinchina. 2: Jachal. 3: San Juan. 4: Mendoza. 5: Tunuyán. 6: Desaguadero. 7: Diamante. 8: Atuel. 9: Salado. 10: Chadileuvú. 11: Curacó. 12: Colorado


Dynamics of the Limnological Parameters and Zooplankton of La Brava, a Shallow Lake of the Atuel-Salado-Chadileuvú-Curacó Rivers System (La Pampa, Argentina)

Omar D. Del Ponti, Gabriela C. Cabrera, Alicia M. Vignatti, Santiago A. Echaniz

Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 2015, 3(6), 193-199 doi:10.12691/aees-3-6-5